Thursday, September 28, 2023

Day 271 - A Brother Fallen

 A Brother Fallen
Matthew Ryan Fischer
Brother Kendrick lashed out, dirk in hand, blood running from his teeth and lips, a bloody cross carved into his forehead. Brother Peter lay dead on the floor, his throat torn open, blood splattered everywhere. Brother Marcus was not a fighter, but he knew he must win this moment if he were to survive.
Reverend Harding was missing and Marcus had gone to his chambers in search of clues and in an attempt to recover a box of religious relics that contained a prophecy of warning written years before. Harding had spoken of riddles and secrets from the past decades, but never explained fully what was to come. Marcus was not one of his trusted, but Harding let certain things slip from time-to-time when libations were imbibed.
Marcus needed to know those secrets. But this daemon had beaten him here and killed two of his brethren. Kendrick’s body may have still been alive, but Marcus couldn’t imagine the man he once knew was in there or would do such heinous things.
Marcus dodged as best he could, then ran for the door. There was no time to recover the locked box. He would be lucky to escape unscathed. Kendrick pursued, but Marcus was able to slam the door shut. He said a silent prayer then wiped a tear from his eye, mourning the loss of life and a natural reaction to his own fear over being attacked.
Kendrick’s monstrous screams echoed down the halls of the monastery as Marcus escaped. It was as though the shadows themselves cried out, shrill and awful. The darkness come to life to attack the living. If Harding’s prophecy foretold this, Marcus wasn’t surprised he and the others had already disappeared. But why had they not thought to include him? Marcus shuddered in fear, wondering aloud if they told of something worse.
Outside the crows cried in response to Kendrick’s horror. Terror in the monastery, terror in the skies, thought Marcus. But perhaps it was a warning. Perhaps the crows were aware of the danger and were there to give him a message.
Marcus followed the crows into the night, hoping their path was the righteous one.
In the forest, the shadows fell, the trees opened turned their gaze and watched Marcus run.

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