Sunday, June 4, 2023

Day 155 - Trouble at Club B part 5

 Trouble at Club B part 5
 Matthew Ryan Fischer

The Agents thought Club B was cheating on paying their taxes. Seven had been there a week ago with Three and it was pretty obvious that there were all sorts of illegal activities going on here in every part of the club front and back. There were drugs being sold on the dance floor and prostitutes in the karaoke rooms. They were pretty sure some skimming and laundering were happening in the manager’s office, and if they checked they kitchen they expected they’d find something there too.
Seven and Five thought they would ask a few questions and scare the manager a little bit. But halfway through their intimidation tactics they heard the fights break out. The manager’s eyes darted to a security monitor and Seven saw what he saw – chaos on the dancefloor. It seemed like the sort of thing the bouncers should be able to handle, but the fighters were a little too good and taking a little too long to get under control. Then there was the flash of a gun and someone yelled police.
Seven looked at Five. Perhaps they should excuse themselves. They had a tacit agreement to avoid interfering with the police and the police usually left them alone. But in closed quarters like this, with no obvious friend or foe, mistakes could be made. Best to get out now and avoid any conflict.
“Is there a back way out of this office?”
The manager told them about the stairway down the hall. They could avoid the dancefloor and the police.
Seven thanked him and told him they’d be back to talk about his books.
They turned a corner just in time to see a group at the back door, stopped by Three. Seven didn’t recognize anyone in the group, but it looked as if Three was about to get in a fight. These people wanted out and Three was in the way. Seven surmised they were likely responsible for some of the illegal activities here and possibly the police presence. Escape was paramount, but this group could also answer all the questions about what really went on here at the club. Best to make sure they all exit together.
Seven and Five rushed to intervene before any back hall brawl got them all caught and arrested.

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