Saturday, November 18, 2023

Day 322 - Excursion

Matthew Ryan Fischer
She asked me if I recognized her and I foolishly answered honestly. It seemed to disappoint her, but I can’t imagine what other response she could have been expecting. Perhaps I should have lied, I told myself. Rarely did such a sophisticate approach me. Rarely meaning rare, meaning never. I had been coming to parties such as these for nearly eighteen months, and yet each might as well have been my first. I had always heard there was a prejudice against new money, but I hadn’t experienced it until recently. Apparently, there were the well off and rich and then there were the beyond rich. I had somehow accidentally found my way into a whole class I was unaware of and unprepared for. I felt honored that anyone would even speak to me.
When she asked me to accompany her, I thought she might be leading me to the front door. When I realized we were headed further into the manse I wondered if I would need a costume or password. I joked I had forgotten my Venetian mask at home, and she straight-faced told me it wasn’t that type of party, but if there were to be an Eyes Wide Shut style sex-party later I wouldn’t need to hide my face. She may or may not have been joking but I could not tell.
I was taken down a passage to what I thought would likely be a wine cellar in any other home. Here it was bottles of liquid, but it certainly wasn’t alcohol. Red, thicker than wine, but thinner than paint, with a hint of metal that made me queasy. I wanted to ask, but I didn’t want to know. Then the clothes began to come off, and I was distracted.
She took my shirt off and I let her without much fuss. Her dress remained intact. I wanted to make a snide comment or two, but this was her game and I wanted to see where she would take us. Besides, whatever was about to happen, there seemed to be plenty of time for her dress to come off later.
She rubbed some of the liquid onto her hands and began to massage my chest.
Something in her movement was unlike any massage I had received before. Something in the liquid was different from any oil I had experienced in the past. I grew lightheaded, but feel a rush of freedom and energy I had never felt before. My heart raced and my muscles contracted. I felt alive. Young. Strong. Ten years of age and abuse were erased.
Whatever the secret these people had, I wanted to be part of it. However weird it seemed, what she was doing, rubbing what I didn’t want to know, I decided I could look the other way. Old money, old ways, they seemed to have the answers.
I asked her why me, and she told me she liked my smell. Not my money, not my profession or good looks, but my smell.
I asked her to keep going, and she asked if I was sure I wanted to be inducted.
I asked her what I was being inducted into, and she smiled at me. And that was when I noticed her fangs.

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