Saturday, December 9, 2023

Day 343 - Acceleration Modification

Acceleration Modification
Matthew Ryan Fischer
Time was running out, but he always carried a piece of chalk.
He drew the circle on the floor and stepped in.
The door swung open.
The room was empty.
On the floor were burn marks.
“Too late,” she said into her radio.
“Can you follow?”
“Negative. Tracks were covered.”
She paused before responding. She knew the risk. To jump now would be inviting her own demise. There would be no coordinates, no guiding force, no way of knowing what she was jumping into.
“I know. I’m sorry. Try.”
She had her orders. There was no conversation to be had.
She too out a piece of chalk and outlined a circle on the floor on top of the burn marks. She chanted a few words under her breath and stepped inside.
The light was blinding and then she was gone.

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