Thursday, December 21, 2023

Day 355 - Tear before Tear

Tear before Tear
Matthew Ryan Fischer
Alexandra also went by Lexi. Someone she once knew wanted to call her Cassie, but she never embraced the nickname. She had been good with the cards, but could really pull the same tricks with dice or chicken bones or just about anything someone could spread out on a table. She had known a man who used Legos and claimed that people were more receptive because they were inherently childlike and wanted to build and play. Maybe there was something to that. It was all about belief after all. If the client didn’t believe that something would happen, then hardly any number of words or potions or motions would change the outcome. Wyatt was the about the only one she ever met that could just blink and make something happen. A blink or a wink and that glimmer in his eye, like he could actually see the hidden energies that stretched out and connected everyone and everything. But fuck him anyway. He was the sort of special that thought it make him really really special and he let his ego and arrogance get in the way. Diego could do a trick or two and he was much more relaxed. Arthur had no ability other than he made those around him stronger. She missed him. And not just because he made her stronger. He was fun and took up at least two or three spots on her best night in bed ever list. Not that she ever told him that. The man already had enough ego. He didn’t need more. But he probably held two out of the top five. If she ever ran into him again, she would definitely find a way to try and let him claim another top ranking.
The night was hers and hers alone. The winter solstice. Cold and dark and dreary. It had been raining the past week and it just made everything feel worse. That was good. Good energy. Powerful energy. The moon was most of the way there. She would have preferred a full moon tonight, but beggars can’t be choosers, and the solstice itself should provide enough power to make up the difference.
Luck and belief. Those were her things. She was no precog. She might get a feeling from time to time, but wasn’t really about to predict anyone’s future. But she wasn’t interested in the future tonight. She wanted to go backwards. Something was off. Someone was fucking with time. She didn’t know what or who, but she was getting strange feelings telling her that something had happened.
Not much to go on. But there were only two or three people and two or three spells that could do that sort of damage and not have the whole world go sideways. Nobody knew what butterfly wings would really do and most people weren’t psycho enough to try and find out. But someone had definitely did a nudge or a paste or a reboot.
It started out as a feeling, as the song once sang. And it had grown and grown and apparently, she was the only one to answer that call. That didn’t seem right, but she wasn’t sure. Maybe that was one of the things that was fucked up and needed fixing. She was the one though. For now, anyway. It was on her. It all came down to her. She wouldn’t have it any other way.

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