Thursday, December 14, 2023

Day 348 - See you in my waking dreams…

See you in my waking dreams…
Matthew Ryan Fischer
There was a tear in the sky, but no one seemed to notice. Whether it was a glitch in the matrix or some other VR campaign was debatable. Lexi had seen a TV show once where everyone lived in a cube and the projected sky got a little wonky around the corner. Maybe the tear was something like that. She imagined the sky was one big piece of paper and someone or some thing on the other side and torn a little piece out. Maybe she was living in a simulation or maybe her entire world was an art project for some higher multi-dimensionally being.
If her life were a movie by some avant garde experimental film maker, then she would be on the other side and the tear would be her attempt to tear herself free, or tear up her preconceived notions. David Lynch films had taught her that life was a dream and the dream world was always worse and main characters had trouble telling which was which. Perhaps her ID or EGO was trying to break through from the fourth or fifth dimension and invade her life on this side.
No one paid too much attention to the machinations of Lexi’s imaginary imaginations. She had been a girl with an overactive mind since anyone could remember. She had told tall tales that some would call lies. She claimed to have seen the unseeable and experienced unprovable adventures. When she was young, they thought she might be a writer or actor someday. Many hours and many weekends were wasted on trips to classes and community centers in an attempt to find a way for her to focus.
Lexi wasn’t a writer or an actor. For to be those, she would have needed to pretend. And Lexi didn’t pretend. She didn’t lie. She didn’t make things up. She would have made a better reporter or news anchor, for Lexi told it how was, how it really was. She explained exactly what she saw, detail for detail. She shared the truth, but it was a truth that only she could see.
Someone once said that waking dreams were more real, more powerful than sleep dreams. Waking dreams where the dream knew they happened, where they could make them happen for real. That was where the danger lay.
Lexi didn’t know too much about dream theory or if what she was counted as a dream or not. But she knew if she thought about something long enough, it was more than likely to occur.
Lexi covered her eyes and tried not to think about the sky falling. If something were on the other side, she didn’t want to know. Life was dangerous enough already without the whole darn thing falling apart.

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